Eukaryotic transcription

Eukaryotic transcription


The eukaryotic transcription process is the first step in gene expression, whereby the DNA sequence is converted into RNA, which carries the genetic information to be translated into proteins. It is a complex and highly regulated process involving various components and factors. This chapter will discuss the key steps involved in the eukaryotic transcription process in detail.


Initiation is the first step in the eukaryotic transcription process, during which RNA polymerase II (Pol II) is recruited to the promoter region of a gene and begins to unwind the DNA double helix to expose the template strand for transcription.

The promoter region is a specific sequence of DNA located upstream of the transcription start site. It contains specific DNA elements, such as the TATA box, which are recognized by transcription factors. These transcription factors bind to the promoter region and form a pre-initiation complex (PIC) with Pol II.

The PIC includes various proteins, such as general transcription factors (GTFs) and mediator proteins, that work together to properly position Pol II and initiate transcription. The GTFs, including TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIID, TFIIE, and TFIIH, play critical roles in unwinding the DNA double helix and stabilizing the PIC. The mediator complex acts as a bridge between the GTFs and Pol II, helping to facilitate communication and ensure efficient transcription initiation.

Once the PIC is formed, it moves along the DNA strand, unwinding the double helix and exposing the template strand for transcription. This process is facilitated by the action of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, which help to reposition nucleosomes and create an open chromatin structure that is permissive for transcription.

In addition to GTFs and chromatin remodeling complexes, various other factors can also affect initiation. For example, transcriptional activators and repressors can bind to enhancer and silencer regions of the DNA and interact with the PIC to modulate transcription initiation. Additionally, histone modifying enzymes, such as histone acetyltransferases and deacetylases, can modify chromatin structure to either promote or inhibit initiation.

Eukaryotic transcription
Eukaryotic transcription initiation complex


Once Pol II is positioned at the transcription start site, it begins the elongation phase of transcription. As Pol II moves along the template strand of DNA, it adds RNA nucleotides to the growing RNA molecule in a 5′ to 3′ direction. The DNA double helix ahead of the transcription bubble is continuously unwound, exposing the template strand for RNA synthesis. The newly synthesized RNA molecule dissociates from the DNA template as it exits the transcription bubble.

During elongation, Pol II is subject to various regulatory factors that affect the rate and accuracy of transcription. For example, elongation factors such as P-TEFb can phosphorylate Pol II, allowing it to overcome pausing or stalling during elongation. Additionally, nucleosome remodeling complexes can modify chromatin structure, allowing for efficient Pol II movement along the DNA template.


Termination occurs when Pol II reaches the termination site, a specific DNA sequence that signals the end of the gene. It can occur via two different mechanisms: cleavage and polyadenylation or termination factor-mediated release.

During cleavage and polyadenylation, an endonuclease cleaves the RNA molecule downstream of a specific sequence, called the poly(A) signal. Poly(A) polymerase adds a string of adenine nucleotides to the 3′ end of the cleaved RNA molecule, forming a poly(A) tail. The poly(A) tail protects the RNA molecule from degradation and plays a role in mRNA export from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.

Alternatively, termination factor-mediated release occurs when specific proteins bind to Pol II and promote its release from the DNA template. The cleavage stimulation factor (CstF) and cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF) promote cleavage and polyadenylation of the RNA molecule, while termination factor (TTF-I) promotes Pol II release.

Capping and Polyadenylation

The newly synthesized RNA is modified by adding a cap to the 5′ end and a poly-A tail to the 3′ end. These modifications are important for the stability and translation of the RNA. The cap is a modified guanine nucleotide added to the 5′ end of the RNA molecule. The poly-A tail is a string of adenine nucleotides added to the 3′ end of the RNA molecule.

Regulation of Eukaryotic Transcription

The eukaryotic transcription process is tightly regulated to ensure that genes are expressed only when necessary. The regulation of transcription occurs at various stages, including initiation, elongation, and termination.


The initiation phase of transcription is the most heavily regulated step in the process. The recruitment of RNA polymerase to the promoter region is controlled by transcription factors, which are proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences and regulate gene expression. Transcription factors can either activate or repress transcription by promoting or inhibiting the recruitment of RNA polymerase to the promoter region.


The elongation phase of transcription is regulated by various factors that can either promote or inhibit RNA polymerase movement along the DNA template. These factors can affect the rate of transcription and the accuracy of RNA synthesis.


The termination phase of transcription is also subject to regulation. Certain proteins can bind to the RNA molecule as it is being synthesized, promoting premature termination of transcription. Alternatively, other proteins can promote the proper termination of transcription and the release of the RNA molecule.

Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes


The eukaryotic transcription process is a complex and highly regulated process that involves the coordinated action of various components and factors. Initiation, elongation, and termination are the three key steps involved in eukaryotic transcription, and each step is subject to regulation to ensure proper gene expression. Understanding the mechanisms of eukaryotic transcription is essential for understanding gene expression and the regulation of cellular processes.

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