Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)

Introduction to Surface Plasmon Resonance

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is a label-free, real-time optical technique that is used to detect biomolecular interactions. It was first introduced in the late 1980s and has since become a vital tool in drug discovery and biosensor development. The SPR technique can provide information about the affinity, kinetics, and thermodynamics of biomolecular interactions.

Surface Plasmon Resonance Instrumentation

  • SPR instrumentation consists of a prism, a light source, a detector, and a flow cell.
  • The prism is coated with a thin metal film, usually gold or silver, which is used to excite surface plasmons.
  • The light source is typically a laser, which is directed onto the prism and excites surface plasmons at the metal-dielectric interface.
  • The detector measures changes in the intensity of the reflected light due to changes in the refractive index of the medium surrounding the metal film.
  • The flow cell is used to introduce the sample to the metal-coated surface of the prism.

The Principle of Surface Plasmon Resonance

  • Surface plasmons are oscillations of free electrons at the metal-dielectric interface that are excited by incident light.
  • When the angle of incidence is matched to the resonance angle, the energy of the incident light is absorbed by the surface plasmons, resulting in a decrease in the intensity of the reflected light.
  • The resonance angle is highly dependent on the refractive index of the medium surrounding the metal film.
  • The binding of biomolecules to the metal-coated surface of the prism changes the refractive index, resulting in a shift in the resonance angle.
  • The magnitude of the shift is proportional to the amount of bound biomolecule, allowing the kinetics and thermodynamics of binding to be measured.
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)

Factors Affecting SPR

  • The sensitivity of the SPR technique is highly dependent on the metal film thickness, surface roughness, and uniformity.
  • The quality of the immobilization chemistry used to attach the biomolecules to the metal-coated surface also affects the sensitivity and specificity of the assay.
  • The concentration, size, and shape of the analyte can also affect the SPR response.

Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance

  • The SPR technique is widely used in drug discovery to screen and optimize small molecule inhibitors.
  • It is also used in the development of biosensors for the detection of pathogens, toxins, and other biomolecules.
  • SPR can be used to study protein-protein interactions, DNA-protein interactions, and antibody-antigen interactions.
  • It is also used to study membrane proteins and lipids.

Advantages and Limitations of Surface Plasmon Resonance

  • One of the main advantages of the SPR technique is that it is a label-free method, which avoids potential interference caused by the labeling of the biomolecules.
  • It is also a real-time and sensitive technique that provides information on the kinetics, affinity, and thermodynamics of the biomolecular interactions.
  • However, the SPR technique has some limitations, such as its high cost, the need for specialized instrumentation and expertise, and the limited information on the binding site and orientation of the immobilized biomolecules.

Future Directions for Surface Plasmon Resonance

  • The development of new materials for the metal films, such as graphene and other 2D materials, could improve the sensitivity and specificity of the SPR technique.
  • The integration of SPR with other techniques, such as mass spectrometry, could provide more detailed information on the structure and function of biomolecules.
  • The use of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms could facilitate the analysis and interpretation of the complex data generated by SPR experiments.


  • Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is a powerful label-free technique that provides real-time and sensitive information on biomolecular interactions.
  • The SPR technique has numerous applications in drug discovery, biosensor development, and fundamental studies of molecular interactions.
  • While the SPR technique has some limitations, its advantages outweigh them, and the continued development of new materials and integration with other techniques could enhance its capabilities.


  1. What is the main advantage of the SPR technique?
  • The main advantage of the SPR technique is that it is a label-free method, which avoids potential interference caused by the labeling of the biomolecules.
  1. What are the applications of the SPR technique?
  • The SPR technique is widely used in drug discovery, biosensor development, and fundamental studies of molecular interactions.
  1. What are the factors that affect the SPR response?
  • The sensitivity of the SPR technique is highly dependent on the metal film thickness, surface roughness, and uniformity, the immobilization chemistry, and the analyte’s concentration, size, and shape.
  1. What are the limitations of the SPR technique?
  • The limitations of the SPR technique include its high cost, the need for specialized instrumentation and expertise, and the limited information on the binding site and orientation of the immobilized biomolecules.
  1. What are the future directions for the SPR technique?
  • The future directions for the SPR technique include the development of new materials, the integration with other techniques, and the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to facilitate data analysis and interpretation.

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