Water Potential



Water potential is an important concept in understanding the movement of water in living organisms, particularly in plants. It is a measure of the tendency of water to move from one area to another, and is affected by several factors such as temperature, pressure, and solute concentration.


Water potential is defined as the potential energy of water per unit volume compared to pure water at standard conditions.

  • It is usually represented by the Greek letter ฮจ (psi) and has units of pressure (e.g. MPa or bars).
  • It is a scalar quantity, meaning that it has a single value, and can be positive or negative.
  • Positive ฮจ indicates that the water is less likely to move from the area, while negative ฮจ indicates that the water is more likely to move from the area.

Components of ฮจ

  • ฮจ is composed of two components: osmotic potential (ฮจs) and pressure potential (ฮจp).
  • ฮจs is the potential energy of water due to the presence of solutes in the solution, and is affected by the concentration of solutes in the solution.
  • ฮจp is the potential energy of water due to the force exerted on the solution by the surrounding environment, and is affected by the pressure applied to the solution.

Factors Affecting ฮจ

  • Temperature: As the temperature increases, the it decreases. This is because the movement of water molecules is greater at higher temperatures, and thus, they are more likely to move from an area of high ฯˆ to an area of low ฯˆ.
  • Pressure: An increase in pressure will increase this, this is due to the applied force on the water molecules, which makes them less likely to move.
  • Solute concentration: As the concentration of solutes in a solution increases, the water potential decreases. This is because the presence of solutes in the solution creates an osmotic pressure that makes it harder for water to move into the solution.


  • It plays a crucial role in the movement of water in living organisms, particularly in plants.
  • It is the driving force behind the movement of water from the roots to the leaves in plants, known as transpiration.
  • Understanding This can also help in understanding how water moves in other systems such as soil, plant cells, and animal cells.
  • It is an important concept in agriculture, horticulture and soil science as it helps in understanding how water moves in soil and how different irrigation techniques and soil properties affect the water potential of soil.


In conclusion, ฮจ can help us better understand the movement of water in living organisms and other systems such as soil, and can be applied in fields such as agriculture and horticulture.

Water potential
Water potential

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