Isolation and Purification of RNA

RNA extraction protocol


Isolating pure RNA is a fundamental step in molecular biology research. Whether youโ€™re investigating gene expression patterns or preparing RNA for downstream analyses, obtaining intact and high-quality RNA is essential. There are two primary RNA extraction techniques: total RNA isolation and mRNA isolation.

Total RNA Isolation

Total RNA isolation is commonly used when pure RNA is required for experiments. These techniques are less laborious and time-consuming than mRNA isolation. The choice of method depends on the nature of the RNA needed and the specific application.

Techniques for Total RNA Isolation

  1. Phenol-Chloroform Extraction:
    • Principle:
      • Differential solubility of RNA, DNA, and proteins in phenol and chloroform.
      • Phenol denatures proteins, chloroform separates phases, and RNA remains in the aqueous phase.
    • Procedure:
      • Lysate preparation.
      • Phenol-chloroform extraction.
      • Ethanol precipitation for RNA concentration.
    • Advantages:
      • Effective for large-scale RNA extraction.
      • Removes most contaminants.
      • Suitable for various sample types.
  2. Spin Column Purification:
    • Principle:
      • Silica-based columns with selective binding properties.
      • RNA binds to the column, contaminants are washed away.
    • Procedure:
      • Lysate loaded onto the column.
      • Contaminants washed out.
      • RNA eluted.
    • Advantages:
      • Fast and convenient.
      • High-quality RNA.
      • Scalable for small to moderate sample sizes.
  3. Magnetic Bead-Based Methods:
    • Principle:
      • Magnetic beads coated with RNA-binding molecules capture RNA.
      • Beads separated using a magnetic field.
    • Procedure:
      • Lysate mixed with magnetic beads.
      • Beads capture RNA.
      • Beads collected using a magnet.
      • RNA eluted.
    • Advantages:
      • Automation-friendly.
      • High yield and purity.
      • Compatible with various sample types.


Select the appropriate RNA isolation method based on sample characteristics, contaminant types, target RNA length, abundance, scale of sample processing, and downstream analyses.


  1. Surzycki, S. (2000). Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  2. NEB RNA Extraction and Purification

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