Oncogenes and Tumor suppressor genes

Oncogene and tumor suppressor genes

The molecular genetics of cancer involves the study of the genetic and molecular changes that occur in cells as they become cancerous. Two important classes of genes involved in the development of cancer are oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.


  • Oncogenes are genes that promote cell growth and proliferation when they are activated. Normally, these genes play an important role in cell growth and division, but when they are mutated or overexpressed, they can lead to cancer. Some examples of oncogenes include RAS, MYC, and ERBB2.
  • RAS genes (H-RAS, N-RAS, and K-RAS) are a family of oncogenes that promote cell growth and proliferation by activating downstream signaling pathways. Mutations in RAS genes are commonly found in human cancers, including lung, colon, and pancreatic cancer.
  • MYC is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes involved in cell growth and division. When it is overexpressed, it can promote the development of cancer. MYC overexpression is commonly found in a variety of human cancers, including lymphomas, leukemias and carcinomas.
  • ERBB2 is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is activated by the binding of a growth factor. When it is overexpressed, it can lead to the development of cancer. ERBB2 overexpression is commonly found in breast cancer.

Tumor suppressor genes:

  • Tumor suppressor genes are genes that help to keep cells from becoming cancerous by preventing them from dividing and growing uncontrollably. When tumor suppressor genes are mutated or inactivated, they can lose their ability to suppress cell growth, leading to cancer. Some examples of tumor suppressor genes include TP53, APC, and BRCA1.
  • TP53 is a tumor suppressor gene that encodes a protein called p53, which acts as a guardian of the genome. It helps to prevent mutations and to stop the growth of cells with DNA damage. When TP53 is mutated, it can lose its ability to suppress cell growth, leading to cancer. TP53 mutations are commonly found in a variety of human cancers, including lung, colon, and ovarian cancer.
  • APC is a tumor suppressor gene that helps to regulate the growth and division of cells by controlling the levels of beta-catenin. When APC is mutated, it can lead to the accumulation of beta-catenin, which can promote the development of cancer. APC mutations are commonly found in colorectal cancer.
  • BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor gene that helps to repair damaged DNA and to prevent the growth of cells with DNA damage. When BRCA1 is mutated, it can lead to an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
Oncogenes and Tumor suppressor genes

In summary, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are important classes of genes involved in the development of cancer. Oncogenes promote cell growth and proliferation, while tumor suppressor genes act as brakes on cell growth and proliferation. Mutations in these genes can disrupt the balance between cell growth and proliferation, leading to the development of cancer. Understanding the molecular genetics of cancer is essential for understanding the underlying causes of cancer and for the development of new treatments. Some examples of oncogenes include RAS, MYC, and ERBB2, and examples of tumor suppressor genes include TP53, APC, and BRCA1.

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