Trp Operon

Prokaryotic Gene Structure in Trp operon


The Trp operon is a genetic regulatory system found in bacteria that controls the production of enzymes involved in the synthesis of the amino acid tryptophan.The operon is composed of a promoter region, an operator region, and a structural gene region.

Promoter Region:

  • The promoter region of the Trp operon contains the binding site for the RNA polymerase enzyme.
  • This is the point where transcription of the operon begins.

Operator Region:

  • The operator region of the Trp operon contains the binding site for a regulatory protein called the repressor.
  • The repressor can bind to the operator region, preventing the transcription of the operon.

Structural Gene Region:

  • The structural gene region of the Trp operon contains the genes responsible for encoding enzymes involved in the synthesis of tryptophan.
  • This includes genes for tryptophan synthetase, anthranilate synthase, and tryptophan synthase.


  • This operon is subject to a type of regulation known as induction.
  • When tryptophan levels in the cell are low, the repressor is not bound to the operator region and the operon is transcribed.
  • When tryptophan levels in the cell are high, the repressor binds to the operator region and the operon is not transcribed.


  • The Trp operon is also subject to a type of regulation known as repression.
  • When the repressor is not bound to the operator region, the operon is transcribed.
  • When the repressor is bound to the operator region, the operon is not transcribed.

Feedback Inhibition:

  • The Trp operon is also subject to a type of regulation known as feedback inhibition.
  • When tryptophan levels in the cell are high, tryptophan binds to the repressor and causes a conformational change that prevents the repressor from binding to the operator region.
  • This allows the operon to be transcribed and more tryptophan to be synthesized.


The Trp operon is a key example of genetic regulation in bacteria and the mechanisms of induction, repression, and feedback inhibition. Understanding the mechanisms of the Trp operon can provide insights into how cells control the production of essential molecules, such as amino acids, and how they respond to changes in their environment. It also plays a key role in the study of genetic engineering and biotechnology, where the manipulation of operons can be used to produce desired molecules and enzymes in large quantities. This knowledge can be applied in the production of drugs, food, and other products.

Trp operon

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