Tag: Endocytosis

  • Intracellular Transport

    Intracellular Transport

    Intracellular transport is a vital process that ensures the proper functioning of cells by facilitating the movement of molecules, organelles, and structures within them. Two main categories of intracellular transport are vesicular transport and cytoskeletal transport. Vesicular transport relies on the use of membrane-bound vesicles to transport materials within the cell through processes like endocytosis…

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  • Lytic Cycle

    Lytic Cycle

    The lytic cycle is a process used by certain viruses to reproduce and spread. It involves the virus infecting a host cell, using the host’s cellular machinery to replicate itself, and causing the host cell to lyse or burst, releasing new viral particles. This cycle can cause significant damage to the host cells and tissues,…

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  • Lysogenic Cycle

    Lysogenic Cycle

    The lysogenic cycle is a reproductive cycle used by certain viruses to infect and replicate within a host cell. During this cycle, the virus inserts its genetic material into the host cell’s DNA, becoming a dormant or latent infection. This period of dormancy allows the virus to evade the host immune response and persist within…

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  • The cytoskeleton

    The cytoskeleton

    The cytoskeleton, a complex network of protein filaments, serves as the architectural backbone of eukaryotic cells. Comprised of microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules, it provides structural support, cell shape, and motility. Functionally versatile, the cytoskeleton plays crucial roles in cell division, endocytosis, and exocytosis. Regulated by specific proteins, its dynamic nature underlies various cellular processes.…

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  • Vesicular Transport

    Vesicular Transport

    Vesicular transport is a fundamental process that enables the movement of molecules, organelles, and macromolecules within cells. It plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular homeostasis, facilitating intercellular communication, and carrying out essential physiological functions. This comprehensive study note provides an in-depth exploration of vesicular transport, including its mechanisms, types, regulation, and significance in cellular…

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