Tag: hormonal regulation

  • Secondary Sex Determination in Mammals

    Secondary Sex Determination in Mammals

    Explore the intricate realm of secondary sex determination in mammals, where hormones and genetic interplay shape diverse phenotypes. Uncover the two major phases and hormonal cues guiding the development of sexual characteristics. From internal and external genitalia to reproductive ducts, delve into the journey of female and male phenotypes. Discover conditions like pseudohermaphroditism and true…

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  • Hormonal regulation of oogenesis

    Hormonal regulation of oogenesis

    The hormonal regulation of oogenesis is a complex process that involves the interaction of multiple hormones produced by the ovaries, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus. This regulation ensures the proper formation and development of eggs, as well as the preparation of the uterus for fertilization. This article explains the roles of various hormones and their interactions…

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  • Hormonal regulation of Spermatogenesis 

    Hormonal regulation of Spermatogenesis 

    The study notes explains the complex process of hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis. It describes how hormones produced by the testes, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus interact with each other and how negative feedback mechanisms play a crucial role in regulating the process. The article also emphasizes the importance of testosterone, FSH, and LH in spermatogenesis and…

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  • Spermatogenesis


    Spermatogenesis is the process of sperm cell formation and development, which occurs in the testes of males and is regulated by a delicate balance of hormones. It is a complex process that involves four main phases: the mitotic phase, meiotic phase, morphological maturation phase, and maturation phase. Each phase is characterized by specific events that…

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  • Oogenesis


    The text above discusses the process of oogenesis, which is the formation and development of egg cells in females. It is a complex process that occurs in the ovaries and is regulated by hormones, including estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone. The process of oogenesis is divided into four main phases, including the mitotic phase, meiotic phase,…

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